How to act in case of unsafe food products?
Food products on the market need to meet the applicable food safety regulations. If they don’t, or if food products are harmful to consumer health or unfit for consumption, they have to be withdrawn from the market and possibly recalled from consumers. That’s when a recall takes place.
In this KVdL Guide, Kennedy Van der Laan’s Product Liability and Product Recall Team answer the following questions:
1 When is a recall required?
2 Who is responsible for initiating a recall?
3 Which actions need to be taken?
4 Is the recall covered by an insurance policy?
5 What are useful tips?
KVdL Product Recall Guide Food
KVdL Guide: Product Recall Food. How to act in case of unsafe food products? (pdf)
Also download:
KVdL Guide: Recall Non-Food. How to act in case of unsafe products?? (pdf)
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