First VNAB Exchange day
On 20 March 2018 the first VNAB Exchange day took place at the VNAB knowledge & meeting centre in Rotterdam. VNAB (Dutch Insurance Exchange Association), located at the former DNB branch office, is the Dutch sector organisation for the corporate insurance market.
In 2004 the insurance exchanges were closed down, which meant the end of a period of well over 4 centuries of the physical existence of insurance exchanges in the Netherlands. For one afternoon VNAB brought back the exchange floor to Rotterdam. Recall Solutions organised a parallel session about the Fipronil affair.
Fipronil-affair: a storm in a teacup?
Tef Tevonderen, Peter van den Broek and Jhorna Erkens set out the importance of an accurate risk assessment, the obligations a producer/distributor is under, several insurance law-related complications, and the importance of clear and consistent communication with both consumers, buyers and the authorities.
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